I am a little late on this, but better late than never I suppose.
First on Deck is the return of Rumble.
The DualShock 3. Sony is bringing back rumble into their controllers after claiming it was a last gen feature, pretty hilarious stuff here. Coming out next month in Japan, sometimes in '08 for North America. But! No region lock means importing is inevitable. Sign me up for a white, just for fun.
NEXT UP: The long rumored 40GB PS3 is no longer a rumor, it is releasing here in North America November 2nd, with a price tag of $399.99, with Spiderman 3 bundled(the movie).....
Avert your eyes, the white 40GB model isn't planned for us. Yet.
Now, here is the catch(it's Sony, there's always a catch). The unit retains built in Wi-Fi from the 60/80GB models, but loses backwards compatibility with PS1/PS2 titles.
Let me say, I think this is a mistake. If you want true backwards compatibility, you need the emotion engine chip built into the 20 and 60GB models, while the 80GB model relies on software emulation.. Something XBOX 360 fans can tell you isn't always the best. I don't personally see a need for playing the old games on mine, and eventually I don't think stopping the backwards compatibility is a bad thing, but not this soon, not when PS2 titles are still being made.
The New Slim PSP's (PSP-2000) is also out, Available in 2 Bundle packs, and a core.
The first Bundle is the Ice Silver PSP featuring Daxter, Family Guy, and a 1GB Memory Stick.
The other bundle is the Star Wars bundle, with a Ceramic White PSP(with silk-screened Darth Vader on the back:pictured above) , and that one comes with the new Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron game.
The PSP Core is available in black, for the good old MSRP of $169.99. The other 2 bundles are $199.99 each.
As a previous(current) PSP Owner, let me assure you that the "Slim" moniker is not just for show, the redesigned PSP is much lighter and slimmer than it looks. Playing for extended periods of time with the PSP-1000 can yeild aching wrists, and overall arm fatigue. The PSP-2000 virtually eliminates this, and the White PSP is quite good looking. Also one last feature for the new one, Video Output! Video A/V cable or Component Cable, you move from the small screen to the big screen now.
Pictures from Kotaku, Engadget, and Joystiq.